Pose Of The Month - Crow Pose, week 1

Hello beautiful yogis!

Welcome to Yoga Pose of the Month series, and this month's focus is on the challenging Crow Pose.

Week 1 is all about laying the groundwork with Core Strength.


Crow Pose demands more than just balance and flexibility; it requires a strong core. Specifically, we'll be targeting the anterior core, working on building stability and strength.

Here are some yoga poses and transitions that will work your core and a powerful breathing technique that will enhance your practice. Remember, consistency is the secret ingredient to success in your yoga journey.

Yoga Poses for Core Strength

  1. Cat-Cow: focus especially on Cat position, where your spine is in flexion and shoulders in protraction.

  2. Malasana Variation: deep squat for hip flexibility and core engagement.

  3. Tiger Crunches: bring elbow to knee, engaging your core.

  4. Boat to Low Boat: transition between these two poses for a dynamic core workout.

  5. Plank - Slow Mountain Climbers: controlled movements targeting the anterior core.

  6. Sphinx to Forearm Plank: strengthen your core with this dynamic transition.

  7. Reclined Crow: familiarize yourself with the alignment of Crow Pose.

Incorporate these poses into your routine to feel the burn and build the strength needed for Crow Pose.

Diaphragmatic Breathing for Stability

Core strength extends beyond muscle; it's also about breath control. Diaphragmatic breathing activates the deep muscles of the core, providing stability and support.

  1. Inhale through your nose, keeping the upper torso relatively still.

  2. Exhale slowly through your nose, contracting the abdominals from the pubic bone to the lower ribs.

  3. Hold the contraction for a few seconds at the end of the exhale.

  4. Repeat for 5-10 breaths, focusing on the connection between breath and core engagement.

Incorporate diaphragmatic breathing into your routine to enhance your core strength journey.

Join me on this journey by tagging #CrowPoseUnlocked on your posts. Let's build strength, flexibility, and community together!

Stay tuned for Week 2, where we'll focus on Arms and Wrists!